第15章 中间剧场

  “美怡啊,Could this be love可以吗?”美怡看了一眼易烊千玺,抱歉的说“对不起……”停顿了几秒,抱歉的表情立马开心了,“哈哈,易烊千玺,你这什么表情啊,我骗你的啊!哈哈哈哈”易烊千玺生气了“美怡!你居然干骗我了啊!看招”美怡看易烊千玺要来挠痒痒“千玺!要录音了!”美怡立马带好耳机,千玺没办法,走过去,带好耳机,对着霞姐做了个ok的手势。

  《Could this be love》【难道这是爱】

  “Could This Be Love-Victoria Acosta

  Woke up this morning

  Just sat in my bed

  8 a.m first thing in my head

  Is a certain someone

  Who's always on my mind

  He treats me like a lady in everyway

  He smiles and warms me through up the day

  Should I tell him I love you

  Wish I knew what to say

  Could this be love that I feel

  So strong, so deep and so real

  If I lost you would I ever heal

  Could this be love that I feel

  Could this be love that I feel

  So strong, so deep and so real

  If I lost you would I ever heal

  Could this be love that I feel

  The way he looks

  So deep in my eyes

  Our hearts are so warm

  I just wanna cry

  Then he's so hardworking

  He wants to be someone



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